“Scaling Advantage in Approximate Optimization with Quantum Annealing”, [2401.07184] by H. M. Bauza, D. A. Lidar.
“Demonstration of Error-Suppressed Quantum Annealing Via Boundary Cancellation”, Phys. Rev. Applied 19 , 034095 (2023), by H. Munoz-Bauza, L. Campos Venuti, and D. A. Lidar [link]
“Quantum adiabatic theorem for unbounded Hamiltonians with a cutoff and its application to superconducting circuits”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 381: 20210407 (2023), by E. Mozgunov and D. A. Lidar [link]
“Breakdown of the weak coupling limit in quantum annealing”, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 054033 (2022), by Y. Bando, Ka-Wa Yip, H. Chen, D. A. Lidar, H. Nishimori [link]
“Probing the Universality of Topological Defect Formation in a Quantum Annealer: Kibble-Zurek Mechanism and Beyond”, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033369 (September 2020), by Y. Bando, Y. Susa, H. Oshiyama, N. Shibata, M. Ohzeki, F. J. G´omez-Ruiz, D. A. Lidar, A. del Campo, S. Suzuki, and H. Nishimori [link]
“Error Reduction in Quantum Annealing using Boundary Cancellation: Only the End Matters”, Phys. Rev. A 98, 022315 (2018) , by L. Campos Venuti and D. A. Lidar [link]
“Quantum trajectories for time-dependent adiabatic master equations”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 022116 (2018), by K. W. Yip, T. Albash, D. A. Lidar [link]
“Adiabatic Quantum Computation”, Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 015002 (2018), by T. Albash and D. A. Lidar [link]
“Relaxation vs. adiabatic quantum steady state preparation: which wins?”, Phys. Rev. A 95, 042302 (2017), by L. Campos Venuti, T. Albash, M. Marvian, D. A. Lidar, and P. Zanardi [link]
“Adiabaticity in open quantum systems”, Phys. Rev. A 93, 032118 (2016), by L.C. Venuti, T. Albash, D. A. Lidar, and P. Zanardi [link]
“Decoherence in adiabatic quantum computation”, Phys. Rev. A 91, 062320 (2015), by T. Albash and D.A. Lidar [link]
“Quantum Adiabatic Markovian Master Equations”, New J. of Physics 14, 123016 (2012), by T. Albash, S. Boixo, D.A. Lidar, and P. Zanardi. [link]
“Intrinsic Geometry of Quantum Adiabatic Evolution and Quantum Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 012321 (2010), by A.T. Rezakhani, D.F. Abasto, D.A. Lidar, and P. Zanardi. [link]
“Adiabatic Approximation with Exponential Accuracy for Many-Body Systems and Quantum Computation”, J. Math. Phys. 50, 102106 (2009), by D.A. Lidar, A.T. Rezakhani, and A. Hamma. [link]
“Abelian and Non-Abelian Geometric Phases in Adiabatic Open Quantum Systems”, Phys. Rev. A 73, 062101 (2006), by M.S. Sarandy and D.A. Lidar [link]
“Adiabatic Approximation in Open Quantum Systems”, Phys. Rev. A 71, 012331 (2005), by M.S. Sarandy and D.A. Lidar [pdf]
“Consistency of the Adiabatic Theorem”, Quant. Info. Processing 3, 331 (2004), by M.S. Sarandy, L.-A. Wu, and D. Lidar [pdf]