“No ((n,K,d<127)) Code Can Violate the Quantum Hamming Bound”, IEEE BITS the Information Theory Magazine, vol. 2, no. 3, (2022), by E. Dallas, F. Andreadakis and D. A. Lidar [link]
“Coherent quantum annealing in a programmable 2,000 qubit Ising chain”, Nat. Phys. (2022), by A. D. King, S. Suzuki, J. Raymond, A. Zucca, T. Lanting, F. Altomare, A. J. Berkley, S. Ejtemaee, E. Hoskinson, S. Huang, E. Ladizinsky, A. J. R. MacDonald, G. Marsden, T. Oh, G. Poulin-Lamarre, M. Reis, C. Rich, Y. Sato, J. D. Whittaker, J. Yao, R. Harris, D. A. Lidar, H. Nishimori, M. H. Amin [link]
“Demonstration of long-range correlations via susceptibility measurements in a one-dimensional superconducting Josephson spin chain”, npj Quantum Information 8, 85 (2022), by D. M. Tennant, X. Dai, A. J. Martinez, R. Trappen, D. Melanson, M. A. Yurtalan, Y. Tang, S. Bedkihal, R. Yang, S. Novikov, J. A. Grover, S. M. Disseler, J. I. Basham, R. Das, D. K. Kim, A. J. Melville, B. M. Niedzielski, S. J. Weber, J. L. Yoder, A. J. Kerman, E. Mozgunov, D. A. Lidar & A. Lupascu [link]
“Breakdown of the weak coupling limit in quantum annealing”, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 054033 (2022), by Y. Bando, Ka-Wa Yip, H. Chen, D. A. Lidar, H. Nishimori [link]
“Predicting non-Markovian superconducting qubit dynamics from tomographic reconstruction”, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 054018 (2022), by H. Zhang, B. Pokharel, E. M. Levenson-Falk and D. A. Lidar [link]
“HOQST: Hamiltonian Open Quantum System Toolkit”, Communications Physics (2022)5:11, by H. Chen and D. A. Lidar [link]
“Customized quantum annealing schedules”, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 044005 (2022), by M. Khezri, X. Dai, R. Yang, T. Albash, A. Lupascu, D. A. Lidar [link]
“Standard quantum annealing outperforms adiabatic reverse annealing with decoherence”, Phys. Rev. A 105, 032431 (2022), by G. Passarelli, K.-W. Yip, D.A. Lidar, P. Lucignano [link]
“3-Regular 3-XORSAT Planted Solutions Benchmark of Classical and Quantum Heuristic Optimizers”, Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 025008 (2022), by M. Kowalsky, T. Albash, I. Hen, D. A. Lidar [link]