Zeno effect

“Analysis of the Quantum Zeno Effect for Quantum Control and Computation”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46, 075306 (2013), by J. Dominy, G. Paz-Silva, A.T. Rezakhani, and D.A. Lidar. [link]

“Control of Decoherence: Analysis and Comparison of Three Different Strategies”, Phys. Rev. A 71, 022302 (2005), by P. Facchi, S. Tasaki, S. Pascazio, H. Nakazato, A. Tokuse, and D.A. Lidar [pdf]

“Unification of Dynamical Decoupling and the Quantum Zeno Effect”, Phys. Rev. A 69, 032314 (2004), by P. Facchi, D.A. Lidar, and S. Pascazio [pdf]

“Zeno Effect for Quantum Computation and Control”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 080501 (2012), G. A. Paz-Silva, A. T. Rezakhani, J. Dominy and D.A. Lidar [link]