Zihan Xia


Zihan Xia

Zihan is a PhD student in EE department at USC who joined Professor Lidar’s group in 2022. Zihan received her BEng in Computer Science with an additional major in Math from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2020 and her MS in quantum information science from USC in 2023. Her research interests include quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, and fault-tolerant quantum computation.

Room: SSC 611
Email: Z I H A N X I A AT U S C DOT E D U

Peer Reviewed Publications

  • 2. “Markovian and non-Markovian master equations versus an exactly solvable model of a qubit in a cavity”, Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014028, Z. Xia, J. Garcia-Nila, D. A. Lidar. [link]
  • 1. “Information recoverability of noisy quantum states”, Quantum 7, 978 (2023), by X. Zhao, B. Zhao, Z. Xia and X. Wang [pdf]


  • 1. “Markovian and non-Markovian master equations versus an exactly solvable model of a qubit in a cavity”, [2403.09944] by Z. Xia, J. Garcia-Nila, D. A. Lidar.