
Joseph Barreto

Joseph (Joey) Barreto joined Prof. Lidar’s group in 2023 as part of the physics PhD program. Prior to USC, he completed a master’s degree in quantum computing at TU Delft in the Netherlands (2021) under the supervision of Prof. Johannes Borregaard. He has also worked at Bleximo Corp., a startup focusing on hardware design for superconducting qubits, and at NASA’s Quantum AI Lab, on topics in quantum algorithms and open systems. He holds bachelor degrees in physics and computer science from UC Berkeley (2017), where he worked on experimental condensed-matter physics in the group of Prof. Alex Zettl. His current interests lie at the intersection of quantum error correction, open systems, and novel qubits/gates, with an emphasis on pratical QEC schemes for near-term devices.

Room: SSC 611

Email: J O S E P H D O T B A R R E T O A T U S C D O T E D U

Peer Reviewed Publications

  • 1. “Two-Unitary Decomposition Algorithm and Open Quantum System Simulation”, Quantum 7, 1002 (2023), by N. Suri, J Barreto, S. Hadfield, N. Wiebe, F. Wudarski, and J. Marshall [link]